Monday, December 11, 2006

Haruah Funding Campaign Nearly At An End

The funding campaign for Haruah is nearly over and we're a bit short of funds. We had hoped to become a paying market in 2007, starting in January, but it looks like we may need to push that back some. All donations will go to paying authors and illustrators, with a tiny amount needed to maintain the site itself. The editors (including me) are all volunteer.

If you haven't been by the magazine, it's online here. The stories are appropriate for all ages, although I think the young 'uns would probably rather read something else. Also, the stories reflect a Christian worldview--some explicitly, some implicitly. We've had a lot of top-notch submissions this year and we hope to keep attracting quality writers and artists.

If you can donate even a little, that would be great. Thanks.

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